How Would You Like To Create More Abundance... In Only 5 Days (Or Less)?

Join Kisma, Your Prosperity Code™ Mentor for a Free 5-Day Abundance Challenge that will help you to attract more Abundance, Prosperity & Money... Rapidly!

 August 23rd, 2022 - August 27th, 2022

10:00am Pacific/1:00pm Eastern

LIVE: August 23rd, 2022 - August 27th, 2022

10:00am Pacific / 1:00pm Eastern

FREE: The 5-Day Abundance Challenge ($1997 Value) + You’re Getting Over $2,500 in Prosperity Prizes!

 June 7th, 2022 - June 11th, 202210:00am Pacific/1:00pm Eastern

 June 7th, 2022 - June 11th, 202210:00am Pacific/1:00pm Eastern

I Can Help YOU Create Abundance... Easily, Effortlessly and With Way More FUN Than You Imagine!

Hello there, my friend,

There is no better time than NOW to understand how to attract, create and manifest more ABUNDANCE in your life. Once you discover the secrets behind attracting Abundance, you’ll unleash a flood of prosperity into your life, relationships & business. 

I don’t care what your current situation is – what challenges you might be facing or the struggles you’ve experienced in the past. Wherever you are, however much or little you have, you can change your life and attract more Abundance... starting now

That’s why I’m so excited to host this free 5-day Abundance Challenge for you. The ancient secrets you’ll learn have already been used by highly successful individuals to increase their wealth, overcome limitation and lack, and create bigger lives. 

And once YOU know HOW to attract Abundance, whenever you want or need it, on demand... you’ll never worry about money. Instead, you’ll FLOURISH in the present and fall in love with life again – with a newfound sense of passion, power & purpose. 

You will hold, deep within your heart, the keys to unlock new channels of Abundance in your life. You’ll learn how to THINK, ACT and FEEL in order to align with the Universal Flow of Abundance. And you’ll also likely attract new forms of money and prosperity – easily & effortlessly – in only 5 days or less.

Here’s how it works:

Every day for the 5 days of The Abundance Challenge, I’ll be sharing short, simple and profound teachings which you can take Inspired Action on instantly. It’s 100% Value. 

Plus, you’ll enjoy guided, “Done For You” Meditations & Visualisations every day... where all you do is listen and you’ll experience an Abundance Consciousness & Higher Vibe – fast!

Simply take part once a day, for 5 days... and you’ll attract abundance. You’ll have tons of fun, and learn loads too.
Join us.

Here's to your Abundance,

P.S. The Abundance Challenge was previously SOLD OUT. This will be the last time I host this virtual event this year, so don't miss out. And even though I’d usually charge my clients $1,997.00 for a transformational 5-day Workshop like this... it’s FREE for you! So register NOW while there’s still space.

What Makes This Abundance Challenge SO IMPACTFUL?

  • Interactive Experience: 5 Days of Live Teaching, Training and Meditations with me (Kisma), with clear direction and daily introspection to get the most out of our time together.

  • Community: Connect with like-minded entrepreneurs who want to access the secret teachings and use the power of spiritual development to exponentially increase their prosperity in ALL ways.

  • Prizes: Step right into your abundance now as you receive added value, prizes and gifts that will accelerate your prosperity energy.

 August 23rd, 2022 - August 27th, 2022

10:00am Pacific/1:00pm Eastern

FREE: The 5-Day Abundance Challenge ($1997 Value) + You’re Getting Over $2,500 in Prosperity Prizes!

 June 7th, 2022 - June 11th, 202210:00am Pacific/1:00pm Eastern

 June 7th, 2022 - June 11th, 202210:00am Pacific/1:00pm Eastern

Here’s Exactly What You’ll Discover During Our 5 Days Together In The Abundance Challenge:

Day 1: Tuesday August 23rd

On Day 1 you will discover How To Set (And Manifest!) The Biggest Abundance Intentions Of Your Life.

✔️   How to get true CLARITY on what you want. 

✔️   Identify the WHY behind what you want for more potency.

✔️   The HOW to get it.

Day 2: Wednesday August 24th

On Day 2 you will Identify and Eliminate Your #1 Limiting Belief Around Abundance.

✔️   Discover HOW to LET GO of old stories.

✔️   Learn how to permanently remove LIMITING BELIEFS so that you can advance in your business and relationships.

✔️   Rapidly CLEAR beliefs and blocks that are repelling your money.

(This session alone is priceless!)

Day 3: Thursday August 25th

On Day 3 Kisma will reveal The Secret Universal Laws of Abundance.

✔️   Learn how to raise your VIBRATION to match your miraculous desires.

✔️   Create INCREASE in all areas of your life.

✔️   Let go of any attachment to the attainment of your desires. (This is the MISSING piece that most people never learn.)

As a result, you’ll find your manifesting is faster, easier and more powerful than ever before!

Day 4: Friday August 25th

Day 4 is all about The Miracle of Inspired Action.

✔️   You’ll tune into the SILENT FORCE within, which guides you to abundance.

✔️   You’ll transform your energy via the power of action. 

✔️   You’ll let go of procrastination and perfectionism – forever!

(If you ever struggled to take action before, this session is FOR YOU.)

Day 5: Saturday August 26th

Finally, on Day 5, you will discover ADVANCED Abundance Manifesting Techniques... for you to practice and use instantly!

✔️ You’ll discover the power of repetition and how to reprogram your Subconscious Mind for prosperity.

✔️How to make all the positive Abundance transformations from the week permanent.

This is the perfect way to end the 5-day Challenge!

PLUS: Every day you will get a simple Inspired Action Step – so you can create faster results – as well as a bespoke, guided, “Done For You” Abundance Meditation... where all you do is listen, and you’ll experience an Abundance Consciousness & Vibration – effortlessly!

You’ll also get VIP access to Kisma’s Community – where you can connect with like-minded Abundance Seekers, and have a chance to Win Prizes every day... valued at $2,500. (And much, much more.) 

The 5 Day Abundance Challenge is 100% Free. Sign up now!

Learn how to SHIFT limiting beliefs into Abundant Consciousness

Discover the Universal Laws of Abundance- and how to use them to take inspired and immediate action for magnificent results.

Advanced Abundance Manifesting Techniques for shaping your reality without stress and with speed!

 August 23rd, 2022 - August 27th, 202210:00am Pacific/1:00pm Eastern

LIVE: August 23rd, 2022 - August 27th, 2022

10:00am Pacific / 1:00pm Eastern

FREE: The 5-Day Abundance Challenge ($1997 Value) + You’re Getting Over $2,500 in Prosperity Prizes!

 June 7th, 2022 - June 11th, 202210:00am Pacific/1:00pm Eastern

 June 7th, 2022 - June 11th, 202210:00am Pacific/1:00pm Eastern

Meet Your Abundance Challenge Coach, Kisma Orbovich

“Whenever we have Kisma in our lives, something magical happens.”Dr Sabine Purps, Dentist & Lecturer

Kisma is one of the world’s leading Prosperity Coaches. Known globally as The Prosperity Code Mentor, Kisma specialises in helping creative entrepreneurs, CEO’s and high achievers to use the power of prosperous thought and Universal Laws to exponentially increase their Abundance, wealth, energy, love and spirituality.

Through her unique system The Prosperity Code, Kisma helps her clients & students DECIDE what they truly want, eliminate blocks & limiting beliefs, and manifest bigger & more abundant lives... Rapidly.

Her processes and teachings around the Universal and Spiritual Laws will help you activate a NEW vibration of energy – along with a deep understanding of how to work WITH The Universe (and not against it.)

As her VIP Clients often say: “Kisma helps you make the Universe your best friend.”  You’ll experience this first-hand during The Abundance Challenge, and likely be amazed at the joy, optimism and zest-for-life that flows into your life, effortlessly.

Kisma has been featured on, USA Today, Thrive Global, and speaks on stages around the world. Now’s your chance to get 5 days of World Class Coaching from Kisma – for free.

Here's What Kisma's Students and Clients Have to Say About Working With Her:

Sinclair Kennally, CEO, Vision Nation

"Kisma is the real deal. Every time I take a training with her, I feel profoundly connected to both my own inner knowing, and All That Is. I'm not easily impressed - I've studied with many teachers, read the books, and gone on the quests. But I love and trust Kisma's approach, and it's clear that she does the work and she runs clean. Her teachings are profound, actionable, and immediately useful. She makes the biggest topics - what so often feels abstract - both easily accessible and practical, in every area of my life! Every time I work with her I'm reminded of my truest self, and my ability to receive all the good stuff just skyrockets."

Jenn Aspinwall, Copy Director and Brand Expert

"Kisma's content is life changing."

Dr. Sabine Purps, Desntist, Lecturer, Key Note Speaker

"Ever since we started working with Kisma, something magical happens every day."

Adriana Krywiak, Functional Medicine and Energy Healer

“I’ve worked with Kisma for the past few years! It has been nothing short of amazing. Her teachings shed light on things that I otherwise may have not looked at in a different way. It has been life changing in so many ways, and on so many levels. Her kindness and support are absolutely transformative.”

Lisa Kahn Allen, CEO of Lisa Kahn Designs

"Working with Kisma has opened the door to a level of clarity, understanding and prosperous joy that I could only dream of before meeting her. She weaves together an alchemy of self-knowledge and energy work with ancient, universal laws to create a new operating system for the way we live our lives. I have never felt so full of hope, confidence and peace. I am forever changed.”

Meg Paul, Performer, Choreographer, Coach

“Working with Kisma in The Prosperity Code helped me to have better relationships, inspire my students and get my first paying client outside of my full time job. I have more clarity, energy and access to my intuition—my productivity has increased and I am reaching my goals faster through a greater understand of my purpose."

Nicole Castka, Lawyer and Energy Healer

“The Prosperity Code is just phenomenal . Kisma guided me to break through deep seeded money stories and blocks.”

Sinclair Kennally, CEO, Vision Nation

"Kisma is the real deal. Every time I take a training with her, I feel profoundly connected to both my own inner knowing, and All That Is. I'm not easily impressed - I've studied with many teachers, read the books, and gone on the quests. But I love and trust Kisma's approach, and it's clear that she does the work and she runs clean. Her teachings are profound, actionable, and immediately useful. She makes the biggest topics - what so often feels abstract - both easily accessible and practical, in every area of my life! Every time I work with her I'm reminded of my truest self, and my ability to receive all the good stuff just skyrockets."

Dr. Sabine Purps, Desntist, Lecturer, Key Note Speaker

"Ever since we started working with Kisma, something magical happens every day."

Heather Wells, Designer of Love-Thirteen

“My experience with Kisma was ahhhmazing! Kisma has such a brilliant way of allowing one to see and recognize their “stuff” without any guilt or shame. Complete freedom in 3 days!”

Adriana Krywiak, Functional Medicine and Energy Healer

“I’ve worked with Kisma for the past few years! It has been nothing short of amazing.

Loveleen Saxena, Artist

“Thank you so much for everything! Honestly words cannot express how grateful I am that Universe started showing me your posts on instagram and fb few months back!!Divine timing. This course and the way you teach has been so amazing that it made my commitment even stronger.”

Jill Secker, Occupational Therapist and Work Well Being Coach

"Hi Kisma. I just wanted to thank you for sharing the universal teachings through the SOPT. I have been stepping into the laws every day in one form or other - cutting cords, noticing my need to be right, working at staying in my lane, praising, and being open. I find for each challenge I am facing there is some answer in the teachings that feels like such a blessing. I can see shifts in my prosperity in all areas of my life and U am so grateful. Thank you."

Abby Walker, CEO at Vivian Lou

"A note of gratitude for Kisma! Since doing the Universal Laws Challenge and SOPT, I’ve slowly but surely found my way back to the power of the Universe (and have stepped into my own power after years of turning my back on it)."

Lisa Kahn Allen, CEO of Lisa Kahn Designs

"Working with Kisma has opened the door to a level of clarity, understanding and prosperous joy that I could only dream of before meeting her. She weaves together an alchemy of self-knowledge and energy work with ancient, universal laws to create a new operating system for the way we live our lives. I have never felt so full of hope, confidence and peace. I am forever changed.”

Nicole Castka, Lawyer and Energy Healer

“The Prosperity Code is just phenomenal. Kisma guided me to break through deep seeded money stories and blocks.”

Meg Paul, Performer, Choreographer, Coach

“Working with Kisma in The Prosperity Code™ helped me to have better relationships, inspire my students and get my first paying client outside of my full time job. I have more clarity, energy and access to my intuition—my productivity has increased and I am reaching my goals faster through a greater understanding of my purpose."

Jenn Aspinwall, Copy Director and Brand Expert

"Kisma's content is life changing."

Cindy Childress, Expert Ghostwriter

“During the course, I had an incident in my business where I lost my biggest client. And when that happened, I used the tools that she gives us and called out to the Universe, this amount of money is what I'm asking for. And within five days, I had brought the money in from a different way that I've never even considered before. And it was a lot less effort and a lot more enjoyable for me. So this really opened up my eyes to new ways that I can make more money in my business and help way more people than I can with just my one to one services. And that was something I had been interested in before, but I kept stopping myself and the way Kisma really helps you to get through your blocks and just figure out what you want and then get into action, I was able to just see it and do it very quickly...”

Join Us For The 5-Day Abundance Challenge 2022 with Kisma Orbovich

Eliminate (easily) your #1 Limiting Belief so that you can take action with confidence and receive abundance and prosperity at a higher level (with more ease).

Discover the Law of Vibration and how it will rapidly change your state, shift your mindset and create confidence and certainty.

Use the Emotion of Gratitude to Open the Channels of Abundance for Your Future.


Copyright 2022: Kisma Productions